Fit checks for Faya

My friends Mustafa, Asmaa, their daughter Faya, aunts and uncles Mozna, Khaled, Omar, Tarek, Abdullah, and grandparents Seham, Hanan, and Mohammad are still fundraising to complete their evacuation to Egypt once the crossing re-opens. Mustafa, Asmaa and Faya had already paid the fees to cross … ContinueFit checks for Faya

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Restorative Justice

In 2016, not long after writing the first raw, spitting version of “I don’t like being raped, I guess that makes me a weirdo” on medium, a Seattle acquaintance and sex educator I’d done some work with assisting consent workshops was outed as having been … ContinueRestorative Justice

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~4×6″ signed prints of my visual artwork and photography are available direct from me for $40 each including shipping. Most images displayed on this website are available, please email me to order. FEATURED PRINTS

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