
I participated in a constellation circle for the first time in years last week. An extremely westernized summary to describe what a constellation circle is would be to say it is an empathy role play. It’s a little bit like doing your own tarot reading, … ContinueBorderline

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Tacoma studio tour

Oct 12 – 13, 2019 | 11 AM – 5 PM | Free! 96 artists welcome you into their studios for an interactive experience. Make sure to have your Studio Tour Passport stamped at each studio address you visit. Once you’ve collected at least 7 … ContinueTacoma studio tour

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WARNING: THIS POST IS BANDWIDTH HEAVY Wake to Extinction was a collaboration with 350 Tacoma‘s Art Activists and Arts Bridging Communities, combining grief precessions and artmaking featuring giant illuminated insect lanterns, and the projected imagery created by participants of Extreme Makeover with Beverly Naidus from the University of Washington. As we … ContinueWAKE TO EXTINCTION

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Attention Economy

Performing “Attention Economy” in Tacoma, WA – April 18, 2019 (image by @laila.tova) Living street art by Courtnee Fallon Rex “Attention Economy” explores the possibility of joining one another, safely yet vulnerably, in an unconventional setting. Rooted in the artists performance, coaching, and acting experience, … ContinueAttention Economy

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