Cold Front, 2018

| Download | Buy CD The flashpoint where Courtnee ran out of fucks; A neurotic album with multiple personalities, Cold Front explores the worlds between both the beautiful ambient-electronic vocal landscape lullaby songs of CFR’s “Not Applicable” era works, and vulgar feminist punk ukulele diddies … ContinueCold Front, 2018

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Decatur, 2016

| Download | Buy CD Comprised largely of sultry, torchy cover songs, Decatur hails directly from the melancholy streets of New Orleans. Less challenging in subject matter/language than CFR’s albums Cold Front or Keep Going, Decatur is a crowd pleasing, atmospheric marvel noted for a … ContinueDecatur, 2016

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Keep Going, 2015

| Download | Buy CD CFR’s inarguable coming of age project, Keep Going is an aurally pleasing soft rock album about patriarchy, rape culture, and heartbreak. Solidly rooted and lyrical, these songs illustrate the direct acknowledgement and rejection of a previous life of amatonormative struggle … ContinueKeep Going, 2015

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NOTE: I first wrote the below guidelines on a personal blog many years ago, and in the time since, I have again a mere fraction of the physical belongings I did then, now living most-time in a van (which is not nearly so glamorous as … ContinueHOW I SEPARATED FROM MY Stuff

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Road Life

THE BEGINNING As has happened to many before and since, I officially stopped being able to afford Seattle, my home of 17 years, as a small (massage) business owner around 2009. By 2014, remaining in or even near the emerald city long-term had become an … ContinueRoad Life

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Embodied – Live in Seattle, 2011

| Download | Buy CD A provocative multimedia show and design project, Embodied is CFR’s most technically ambitious of live shows to date, including video projection, live painting, live musical performance and first foray into crowdfunding. Performed for two nights in November of 2011 with … ContinueEmbodied – Live in Seattle, 2011

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