Tag: Music
Keep Going, 2015
| Download | Buy CD CFR’s inarguable coming of age project, Keep Going is an aurally pleasing soft rock album about patriarchy, rape culture, and heartbreak. Solidly rooted and lyrical, these songs illustrate the direct acknowledgement and rejection of a previous life of amatonormative struggle … ContinueKeep Going, 2015
Keep Going CD release performance
On Friday the 13th I’m putting on a CD release performance of the music from Keep Going, my new studio album, officially releasing Feb 14th 2015. Spooked In Seattle Ghost Tours 102 Cherry St, Seattle, Washington 98104 Doors at 6:30, show from 7-8:30ish. Please come, … ContinueKeep Going CD release performance
Hey You – Art of Asking book tour with Amanda Palmer
I recently went to Los Angeles as Amanda Palmer’s guest during her Art of Asking book tour, to talk with her and her fans about my contribution to her book. In summary, I am the massage therapist she met on her birthday, who had something … ContinueHey You – Art of Asking book tour with Amanda Palmer
Cafe Brosseau Artist Reception: December 6 2014
Public Artists Reception December 6th, from 6-11pm All ages are welcome. RSVP at the Facebook Event. Music begins at 8pm. Celebrating my first Tacoma Art Showing with an artist reception on December 6th at Cafe Brosseau. Work will be showing through the month of January. … ContinueCafe Brosseau Artist Reception: December 6 2014