
Note: This is, first and foremost, a personal thinkpiece about living with, and interacting with, my own suicidal ideology, followed by resources that have helped me cope. Though I hope my sharing these things helps, the following is not meant to specifically address acute crisis. If … ContinueSuicide

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Zita The Aerialist

Courtnee Fallon Rex as Zita the Aerialist from Paul Hawxhurst on Vimeo. Performed June 9, 2010 for “There must be something in the Air”, a benefit for Versatile Arts. Music from the Batman Begins soundtrack by Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard. Video footage courtesy of Block My … ContinueZita The Aerialist

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SOLD: Oval Octopus

5″ x 7″ Oval : Acrylic and Ink on Canvas SOLD

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