Author: cfr
Psychogirl by Courtnee Fallon Rex (Courtnee Papastathis/Not Applicable) Print Available Photography Digital Artwork Music Violin painting by Courtnee Fallon Rex.
Hey You – Art of Asking book tour with Amanda Palmer
I recently went to Los Angeles as Amanda Palmer’s guest during her Art of Asking book tour, to talk with her and her fans about my contribution to her book. In summary, I am the massage therapist she met on her birthday, who had something … ContinueHey You – Art of Asking book tour with Amanda Palmer
SOLD: Oval Underwater
16″ x 20″ Oval : Acrylic and Ink on Canvas
Cafe Brosseau Artist Reception
Public Artists Reception December 6th, from 6-11pm. 2716 N 21st St, Tacoma, WA (253) 327-1306 Celebrating my first Tacoma Art Showing with an artist reception on December 6th at Cafe Brosseau. Work will be showing throughout the month of December. There will be … ContinueCafe Brosseau Artist Reception